Formula of SUM AVERAGE COUNT MIN MAX in excel :
Formula of sum average count min max in excel :

Today I'm getting to show the fundamentals of Excel formula like sum average count min max .

Check the video tutorial for more details regarding these formula.

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Let's start .

So now let's mention some common Functions that EXCEL has for us. they're SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX and MIN. Let's undergo all .

SUM : The SUM function adds values. you'll add individual values, cell references or ranges or a mixture of all three. For example: =SUM(D9:N9) Adds the values in cells D9:N9 .

AVERAGE : Returns the typical of the arguments. If the range D9:N9 contains numbers, the formula =AVERAGE(D9:N9) returns the typical of these numbers.

COUNT : The Microsoft Excel COUNT function counts the amount of cells that contain numbers also because the number of arguments that contain numbers.

MAX : The Microsoft Excel MAX function returns the most important value from the numbers provided.

MIN : The Microsoft Excel MIN function returns the most important value from the numbers provided.

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